
Team Members and Roles

Team member names and formal roles can be found in the About Us section. You can find it in the tab at the top-right of this page.

Team Name and Logo

Team Septagon

Mission Statement

Support, adapt, succeed. Support those in need. Adapt to changing circumstances. Succeed in all pursuits.

Group Rules

Be on time
Be accountable for your work
Be responsive to messaging
Be productive during meetings
Be professional with organizations
Be Respectful to everyone's ideas
Always vote for major decisions
Be Prepared for meetings

Project Proposal

This link will lead you to our original project proposal (Project Proposal).

Original and Revised Goals


The original idea we had was that we would create a charity run for Home Sweet Home Ministries. We had developed a plan centered around drawing in local businesses as sponsors for the event as well as promoting sign-ups for the event which would further increase charitable donations. We had written up this idea in our Project Proposal, however as we were about to submit that, we came to find out that the Charity Run idea was already being done by Home Sweet Home Ministries. They have an annual charitable run called the "Run for Hope" and 2017 would be the fourth iteration of the event. Unfortunately, due to a lack of time we had to submit this idea with the acknowledgment that we were aware that a similar event was already taking place. Our original SMART goals were as follows. 1. Earn a minimum of $700, 2. Have 100 people participate in our charity run (the original assumption that there was no already-existing run), 3. Every person who signs up before a specific date will get a T-shirt as a part of their registration. These SMART goals would later be revised.


We had offered in our project proposal to assist with the existing Charity Run and that is exactly what the organization offered us to help with. We made contact with the group who ran the event Fleet Feet Bloomington and spoke with them on ways that they needed assistance. We were happy to learn that our help was needed and that we could help in several different ways. Our revised goal is to increase the number of participants in the race (which increases the amount of charity money HSHM receives) as well as promote the race through local channels. In addition, we took on the role of organizing parking for the event by contacting local businesses to ensure we could use their lots, as well as taking on the role of Traffic Coordinators for the event. As a part of these changes our SMART goals would need to be revised. The first goal could stay the same (every group in the class had this goal), however the second and third would be different. For the second SMART goal we had assumed that this would be the first incarnation of the race, so we set the expected number of participants at 100. Because Run for Hope has averaged around 210ish participants in the past, we decided to increase the goal number of participants to 300. Thus, our second SMART goal was to have 300 participants in the race. For the third goal, we had to change this as well because participants would already receive a T-shirt with their registration. To combat this we needed to come up with a different goal. When looking through historical data from previous races, we had noticed that the number of participants in the age range of 13-25 was remarkably low. Because of this, we set our third SMART goal to increase participation in the age range of 13-25 by 10%.

Original Timeline (Changed by Midterm)

Make contact with organization by February 23rd
Start Advertising the event by March 1
Get donations from local businesses (be done) by March 22
Have shirts finished and shipped by April 10
Have the run April 22

Updated (Actual) Timeline

Make contact with the organization by February 23rd
Start Advertising the event by March 1
Start flier distribution on March 20th (Spring break made it difficult to start earlier)
Get parking lot usage confirmation by March 22
Have the run on March 26

Agendas and Minutes (As of 4/13)

Meeting 1: Agenda
Meeting 2: Agenda
Meeting 3: Agenda, Minutes
Meeting 4: Agenda, Minutes
Meeting 5: Agenda, Minutes
Meeting 6: Agenda, Minutes
Meeting 7: Agenda, Minutes
Meeting 8: Agenda, Minutes
Meeting 9: Agenda, Minutes
Meeting 10: Agenda, Minutes
Meeting 11: Agenda, Minutes

Midterm Assessment Report

This link will lead you to our Midterm Assessment Report (Midterm Assessment Report).

Funds Breakdown

This is the funding contributed by each of our members. The first part counts as promotional value obtained, the second counts as volunteer hours spent. It should be noted that not all fund raising attempts have been completed yet, and many of them are not allowed to be considered.


Nick F. [$850+] - Nick reached out to two local radio stations and asked if they could promote the 2017 Run for Hope event on air. Both stations agreed. To see the confirmation emails, please see the following links for each station. Information has been redacted for privacy. WZND, and WGLT. For valuation information for each station, please see each of the following links. WZND, because of this information we are valuing the promotions at $100 which is the base package for on air announcements. WGLT, Because this event is not being run through underwriting we are changing the value of the promotion. Based on communication with our professor we have agreed to value this at $15 a spot. Based on the information we have received from WGLT, these spots will air 20 times a week for 2.5 weeks. $15 * 20 * 2.5 = $750. For these reasons we are valuing the WGLT promotion at $750. In addition the event has been submitted to the WGLT community calendar, WGLT-1, WGLT-2.
John [$+] - John worked with the local school district, Unit 5 to get fliers in the hands of young athletes. He also was an outstanding Liaison who helped us get in touch with local businesses to see if we could use their parking lots as well as kept us in communication with HSHM.
Nathan [$+] - Nathan distributed fliers around campus with Nick F. and Blake. Nathan also served as our primary Recorder who always turn in our Agendas and Minutes on time and with a high quality.
Kevin [$+] - Kevin reached out to a local radio station to try to get promotions for the event, however that radio station did not return emails. In addition Kevin did research to find other avenues we could pursue to increase our promotional value.
Blake [$+] - Blake distributed fliers around campus with Nick F. and Nathan. In addition Blake tried to find more ways we could increase our promotional value through getting donations from local businesses, however this was later rejected by HSHM.
Josh [$+] - Josh reached out to a local organization for youth basketball to promote the event among young athletes. He also researched what the process would be for us to sign-up to volunteer on race day.
Nick D.[$+] - Nick D. developed the fliers that we distributed around campus. He also leant his artistic skills to the development of our team logo. In addition, he assisted with getting photos during the event and providing artistic oversight to our website.

Volunteer Hours

Each of us volunteered during race day itself. We were responsible for organizing traffic for the whole event. We worked for 2 and a half hours (from 8:30 to 11:00). If we each earned $10 an hour, then in total our volunteer hours contributed $175.



Campaign Closeout Video

You may need to turn your volume up!

Campaign Closeout Report

Campaign Closeout Report (Link)


Contacting Home Sweet Home Ministries (Continuation)
Response from HSHM
Contacting Parking Lots
Parking Response
Continuing to Offer Assistance
Feedback from Fleet Feet


Radio Promotions

We reached out to local media organizations WZND and WGLT and secured free promotions for the event. (Due to the nature of the advertizing we are unable to show those promotions here. We wish we could have recorded those advertisements and posted them to our portfolio).


Printable .docx files are as follows, Full Page, Two Half Page Fliers (May need to stretch images for proper printing).

We printed out hundreds and hundreds of fliers to distribute!

Handing out Fliers

To promote the event, we handed out fliers around campus. Over the course of a few hours we handed out over 400+ fliers!

Unit 5 Promotion

Through some contacts with the local school district Unit 5, John managed to get us a direct link to the athletic department so we could promote the event directly to young members of the Track and Field/Cross Country teams. We distributed over 100 fliers to these young athletes.

Posting Fliers Around Campus

To support the cause we posted our fliers all around campus to get the word out. Below you can see every place we put them! (Pictures are linked to save on load time)

Race Day!

On race day, we helped coordinate parking for the entire event. Getting there long before the race started we directed traffic, prioritized parking locations, and determined capacity. Our team made up for the entirety of the lead parking coordination staff.


Unfortunately the race did not turn out how we hoped. In previous years the Run for Hope has gotten around 210-220 participants. Sadly, this year we only had 175 run. We have a few reasons for this that we have outlined in our Campaign Closeout Report.

Additional Content

Visiting the HSHM Warehouse

We were very fortunate to be given a tour of the HSHM Warehouse during our time meeting with the organization. Here are some photos.
We were surprised to learn that the building was a former warehouse for Steak n Shake! It was amazing how many clothes passed through this facility to be sold in their Mission Mart. It was also incredible to see volunteers in action (We didn't take pictures of the volunteers for obvious reasons).