Meeting 8 Minutes

Call to order: 5:00pm

Members present: Nathaniel, Josh, Blake, Nick D., Nick F., and John

Members absent: Kevin (Had a meeting with a tacher)

Member reports:
Historian (Nick D.): Nick has nothing new to report.
Liaison (John): Josh has nothing new to report.
Treasurer 1 (Blake): Blake has nothing new to report.
Treasurer 2 (Kevin): Kevin did not make the meeting.
Webmaster (Nick F.): Nick updated the website with the most current information.
Recorder (Nathaniel): Nathan has nothing new to report.
Recorder 2 (Josh): Josh has nothing new to report.

Old business: How did passing out fliers go on the quad? Do we need to do more promotion before Sunday? How should we handle transportation for the run on Sunday? How is the website coming along? Are there any other details we need to discuss regarding the project overall.

New business: How do we think the run went? Should we have done anything different? What do we still need to do before submitting our project and should we take advantage of the early submission? There is a peer evaluation everyone needs to do.

Next meeting: 03/30/17 at [REDACTED]
Nathaniel: Upload Agenda and Minutes and bring note taking material for the next meeting.
Josh: Josh has nothing to do for the next meeting.
Nick D.: Work on the video of the race day.
Nick F.: Work on the portfolio on the website.
Kevin: Kevin has nothing to do for the next meeting.
Blake: Blake has nothing to do for the next meeting.
John: John has nothing to do for the next meeting.

Adjournment: 5:25pm