Meeting 10 Minutes

Call to order: 5:00pm

Members present: Nathaniel, Josh, Blake, Nick D., Nick F., Kevin, and John

Members absent: None

Review and approve minutes of previous meeting: Minutes were reviewed and approved.

Member reports:
Historian (Nick D.): Nick has nothing new to report.
Liaison (John): Josh has nothing new to report.
Treasurer 1 (Blake): Blake has nothing new to report.
Treasurer 2 (Kevin): Kevin has nothing new to report.
Webmaster (Nick F.): Nick has nothing to new to report.
Recorder (Nathaniel): Nathan has nothing new to report.
Recorder 2 (Josh): Josh has nothing new to report.

Old business: We need to start working on our end of project work to submit early. There is a writing assignment coming up soon that we need to discuss. When should we meet with our teacher to present our project to her.

New business: We are going to work on our end of project work for early submission which is due this Friday

Next meeting: 04/20/17 at [REDACTED]
Nathaniel: Upload Agenda and Minutes and bring note taking material for the next meeting. Watch the project runway episode before next meeting and take notes.
Josh: Watch the project runway episode before next meeting and take notes
Nick D.: Watch the project runway episode before next meeting and take notes
Nick F.: Finalize the portfolio and website.
Kevin: Watch the project runway episode before next meeting and take notes
Blake: Watch the project runway episode before next meeting and take notes
John: Watch the project runway episode before next meeting and take notes

Adjournment: 5:40pm