Midterm Assessment Report

1. What is your team number?

2. Please describe any revisions you need to make to any of your project goals. Make sure you list: 1) the original goal, 2) the proposed revision and 3) why you would like to change it.
(1) In our original set of goals we intended to create our own charity race for Home Sweet Home Ministries, not knowing until the last minute that they already had one. We have made contact with the organization and they have agreed to let us help them with the charity run. Our original smart goals have to be changed as a result.

(2) The biggest change is that we are not allowed to seek sponsors for the event (this was something our contacts with HSHM have asked us not to do). We did not know that originally. In addition, we weren't aware that there was another organization helping with the event (Fleet Feet). We have made contact with them as well and everything is going smoothly. Smart goals need to be changed. The first one is okay. The second, instead of 100 people attending (this was the assumption that it would be the first race of it's kind) we are shooting for 300 (the previous years average is around 210). We need a completely new third smart goal because the run already includes a t-shirt with registration. Our third smart goal will be to increase participation by 10% with the age range of 13-25. In addition, we are assisting with the actual race. We are helping coordinate the entire parking system.

(3) These changes need to be made because of the change in circumstances. We've made the changes knowing that we will no longer be the primary host of the event.

3. What percentage of your PRIMARY goal to you have completed? (money not turned in doesn't count).
28.5%. This number comes from our promoting material through both WZND and WGLT. We have reached out to them to secure free promotions. We determined the value of a WZND "On-Air Announcement Package" from their website and we are valuing that for $100. Likewise we are valuing WGLT at $100 for the same promotional content (Be aware, this value later changes based on additional information). As a result we achieved the 28.5% from $200/$700. We plan to raise much more money when the actual race happens. In addition we will seek additional promotional material because we are not allowed to seek sponsors.

4. Describe your SECONDARY goals and explain how you're progressing with them. Use concrete terms and percentages, when applicable.
We are promoting the event on stations that are relevant to the age range of 13-25. We are promoting on WGLT and WZND. In addition we will hand out fliers at ISU campus as well as local high schools and junior high (through safe contacts). This should also increase the number of participants. In addition we are seeking avenues of promotional value with other groups.

5. Percentage of AGENDAS submitted on time, in full and correctly (look at the thoroughness of posts as well as whether or not they're following directions - your team might need to revisit the directions to be sure).

6. Percentage of MINUTES submitted on time, in full and correctly (look at the thoroughness of posts as well as whether or not they're following directions - your team might need to revisit the directions to be sure).

7. Percentage of meetings that are fully attended (excused absences are still absences)

8. Is your website portfolio completely up to date?

9. On a scale of 1-5 (1 meaning “not at all” and 5 meaning “definitely”) do you think your group is on the right track for accomplishing your fundraising goal:
4 - "most likely"

10. On a scale of 1-5 (1 meaning “not at all” and 5 meaning “definitely”) do you feel all team members are contributing equally:
4 - "most likely"

11. Please list your team members (first and last names), their formal roles and summarize their contributions to date (both in terms of fulfilling their roles AND in terms of contributions to primary and secondary goals).
Nick F. (Webmaster): Built the website. Worked on the portfolio. Contacted WZND and WGLT and secured promotional value. Attended the meeting with Fleet Feet. Communicated with HSHM.

Nathaniel (Recorder): Has uploaded all the agendas and minutes. Took pictures of meeting. Preparing for event.

John (Liasion): Communicated with HSHM. Attended the meeting with Fleet Feet. Communicated with the event organizing to assist with parking. Served as Liaison and communicated with multiple relevant parties.

Josh (Back-up Recorder): Contacted Official Association to promote the event with local basketball groups. Preparing for event.

D. Nick (Historian): Developed the flier. Developed the team logo. Preparing for the event.

Kevin (Treasurer): Researched avenues of promotional value. Preparing for the event.

Blake (Treasurer): Researched avenues of promotional value. Preparing for the event.

12. On a scale of 1-5 (1 meaning “not at all” and 5 meaning “definitely”) do you feel your team meetings are productive:
5 - "definitely"

13. What will you as a team do to make your meetings more productive?
Continue following the agenda. We are pretty good at saving outside talk for after we have accomplished what we plan to.

14. How would you grade your group’s progress to date:

15. Provide a rationale for this grade by citing specific team accomplishments:
We have promotional value through our WZND and WGLT advertisements. Our website is elegant and robust. We have overcome difficulties with the original plan and are orchestrating with other groups.

16. What changes will you make to your team’s plan / habits / timeline based on this assessment? How are you going to revise what you’re doing to to help you achieve your goals?
Based on this assessment, nothing. These are plans we have already set up. As a result of this assessment we don't feel a need to change anything.

17. Is there anything else you'd like me to know about your team and your progress?
We've overcome a lot. We were surprised that HSHM would not allow sponsorship deals so we are seeking value through promotional advertisements.